i grew up in a small fishing village on Margarita Island, Venezuela, where stories and nature were closely connected. my journey with photography began when i borrowed a camera from my brother. since then, photography has been my constant... from camera-less techniques to digital, i find meaning in both experimenting and documenting

i believe in photography as a medium to invite reflection, self-awareness and social and environmental consciousness
i discovered my interest in self-portrait photography during my project '9 Moons' (2011-12), where i documented the transformation of my body and my emotional experiences throughout pregnancy. today, it is a fundamental part of my work, and i approach it with greater focus and intention

i am interested in the evolution of images through different processes, with each step revealing something unique. beyond capturing an image in its rawest form, i explore ways of mixing different photographic techniques and materials to create new narratives

i love the idea of printing my images by hand and exploring new territories in both photography and printmaking. cyanotype, in particular, aligns with my commitment to less toxic and more sustainable photography practices, allows me to print in sunlight, embrace imperfections and let go of complete control over the creative process.

photography brings me closer to my surroundings and to myself
*Cyanotype is a historical photographic printing technique from the 19th century. In this process, a Prussian blue image is produced by developing an object or photographic negative using iron salt solutions and exposing it to ultraviolet light.